Friday, February 14

Renfe is going on sale Interrail tickets this Thursday at half price | Economy

Renfe put tickets on sale this Thursday so that young people from Spain or any other country of the European Union with legal residence in Spain and between the ages of 18 and 30, both inclusive, can travel from this same Thursday through Europe with the Interrail service, with a 50% discount on the official rate.

This discount is applied to the Interrail Global Flexible pass, which allows you to travel for 10 days in two months to all destinations in the programme. The discount is applied to the official Interrail fares, with their pricing characteristics based on age, etc.

Interrail is a personal, non-transferable pass that can be purchased and used by legal residents of Europe and allows you to travel by train in 33 European countries or by ship (between Italy and Greece). With more than 50 years of existence, it has been used by millions of young people as a means of traveling around Europe.

This measure is part of the discount program launched by the government on 1 June for young people from Spain or from a country of the European Union with legal residence in Spain, born between 1993 and 2005, to travel this summer (from 15 June to 15 September ), with discounts up to 90%.

Renfe has already put these tickets on sale, with 50% discounts on AVE, Avlo, Alvia, Intercity and Euromed trains, with a maximum discount of 30 euros per ticket; 50% for Avant single tickets and 90% for the rest of the Media Distancia services or the Gauge Metric network. To benefit from these measures, both for Interrail and for travel to Spain, young people born between 1993 and 2005 must register using the form on the Mitma website ( to confirm that they meet the requirements and, if applicable, obtain the personal, non-transferable code that they must use to purchase their Interrail pass and discount tickets.

The Iryo and Ouigo companies that provide high-speed services on various lines have also taken advantage of the discount scheme.

Registration must be made at least 24 hours before purchasing the first ticket. Interested parties can register using qualified electronic certificates, such as the Cl@ve system, or by entering the first and last name (as it appears on the DNI or NIE), the date of birth and the DNI number, together with the validity date, or the NIE , together with the EU citizen registry support number and nationality.

The code, made up of the DNI or NIE number and a set of characters, is sent to the mobile phone or via email, and is valid for the entire period, from 15 June to 15 September 2023.

Every two trips, one free trip for Más Renfe members

In addition to the government-approved discounts, Renfe wants to benefit from free travel for young people aged 18 to 30 who are members of its Más Renfe loyalty program, provided they have traveled at least twice this summer. In this way, for every two journeys made between 15 June and 15 September and which belong to the Más Renfe programme, travelers will obtain a 100% discount code to purchase a ticket in the following three months.

In the first week of youth discount ticket sales, Renfe doubled its daily Más Renfe subscriptions, reaching 3,000 daily subscriptions to its program. For young people registered on the Mitma site, Renfe has set up a pPage to sign up for the Más Renfe program and is eligible for this additional promotion.

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